Sunday, August 19, 2012

losing weight!

Hello everyone :)

Today i got up at 7 in the morning... TO GO JOGGING! yes.. believe me, i started to go jogging regularly some time ago. Before i was like the most untalented person in sports ever, i was as unathletic as an 150 kg women -___-;

now i´m more like an 100 kg women :D hahahahahaha

the reason for my unexpected change of mind was that i noticed i couldn't even run fast enough to catch the bus when i´m a bit late, even the bus stop is only a few meters away from my house. I´m still young, so there is still time to change!
I also want to live more healthy.

And of course i want to lose weight like almost every girl in this world.

(i took this pic about 3 weeks ago, already lost 2-3 kg)

AND WOW !!! i´m feeling SO GOOD now, i improve so fast and every time i go jogging i can go a bit further or reduce the time i need for a certain course.

i´m doing better and better now and this motivates me so much. I never liked sports before in my life, i always thought it only hurts and i´m not talented anyways, so I'd rather don't do it. - sweating --> bahhh 

i actually did exercise before i went to china in 2010 because i wanted to look hot for my boyfriend, so i went to the fitness studio of my university very often. but i kind of hated it and it cost me so much time and really really stressed me out. i lost so much weight back then because i forced myself and didn't eat, tried out many different diets etc. 

(Ahbao, me, my exboyfriend)

Until i had 55 kg (I´m 177cm tall, this is a BMI of 17,6 normal BMI for my age is 19-24!)

but when i came back to germany i started eating like crazy because i was unbelievably sad... i really loved him and i didn't want to leave china, i didn't want to leave him and his nice family...

so i gained weight again... more than i ever had.

and now i started jogging and it really helps me losing weight in a more healthy and reasonable way. i don't want to be thin in 3 weeks, i don't expect that. 
It's a slow process, but i have time and i want my weight to constantly be around 57 kg

i now have a BMI of 19,5, still feeling a bit fat ._. but i think i will become thin again!


  1. woah @_@ I can't imagine you want to lose more weight. you're 17cm taller than me and just 7kg heavier XD I also need to lose weight though ;w;

  2. naahhh JoJo you are much thinner than me! What's your BMI ?

    1. according to internet the same as yours XD hahaha. but I don't have much 'curves' and my bones are a bit smaller so I look heavier T.T


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